Today on The HTrain Show with the Goose, the hosts talk about their weekends! Goose met her new nephew and HTrain got some GOOD NEWS!!! Gooses Gander (Discussion) -Social Media, is it good or bad? Internet is it a need or Luxery it got heated Tribute 2 Troops – Hilton “Bear” Bryant Interview of the […]
Today H-Train starts out the show broadcasting from The Rail head Station Studios. Today i jumped in and talked about the the recent Hurricane disasters our hearts and prayers are with you. We briefly overview on the remote that were doing in Jacksonville ,Florida. We also mentiopn how to listen to our show since the […]
Today H-Train starts out the show broadcasting from The Rail head Station Studios. We talk about the few events that are still ongoing then we talk about the most recent natural disasters that are going on. Then we get down to business since the show is on its way to MN for our Sept 11 […]
Today H-Train starts out the show broadcasting from The Rail head Station Studios. Today my father David Hunt joins me in studio a very hot studio since the AC is still broke. but we discuss all the things that are going on this weekend since its a 4 day weekend for some and we announce […]

Today H-Train starts out the show broadcasting from The Rail head Station Studios. We open the show up by talking about some announcements. We talk to Monica O. Founder of Operation Troop Appreciation since weve had them on last time they have more programs now in hope to be more than just regional but with […]
Today H-Train starts out the show broadcasting from The Rail head Station Studios. We open the show up by talking about some announcements. We talk to retired US National team Paralympic Athlete and Marine Jon Lujan the spokesperson for Team Semper Fi fund on what they are currently doing for our Veterans and sheds light […]
Today H-Train starts out the show broadcasting from The Rail head Station Studios. We open the show up by talking about some announcements. We talk to US National team Paralympic Athlete Nichole Roundy on her fascinating journey. . Where she was a victim to cancer like so many are, but she didn’t let that affect […]
Today H-Train starts out the show Broadcasting from The Railhead Station Studios. We open the show up by talking about some announcements. I just bought a Harley Davidson and i share some new things i just learned you may think its funny or dumb but i share my experiences. We talk to Michael Garvey on why […]
Today H-Train starts out the show Broadcasting from The Railhead Station Studios. We open the show up by talking about some announcements. All songs today are patriotic We talk to Rescue 22 spokesperson Stephanie Hornedo on what there mission is what they do and what are the requirements on the application process for people that would […]
Today H-Train starts out the show Broadcasting fromThe Pinery Club Golf Course in Parker, Colorado for Special presentation to Project Sanctuary on a fundraising event. Kenneth Curner is my Guest Cohost and we briefly talk about the new Floy fight and we discuss the James and Joradn debate in the NBA. The pinery women The Gems […]