Author: SagETarius

Page: 17

Reset W/DSET Ep58 “There are no secrets to success:  Don’t waste your time looking for them.  Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty to those with whom you work, and persistence.” Gen Colin Powell If you want it bad enough, you’ll get it, just put in some time, dedication, and […]

Reset W/DSET Ep 57 When I joined the Army in 1985, I went to Fort Jackson, Tank Hill, for BASIC TRAINING, and I will never forget the motto, “Victory Starts Here” by President Andrew Jackson.  Now digging a little deeper, it also starts with you. Always secure yourself first and only you can save yourself, […]

Reset With DSET (DJ Sag E. Tarius) Ain’t nothing like old music to bring back good memories from back in the day.  Thanks for listening and like always, I enjoy what I do and that is giving you my best in music. As a veteran, one thing that was hard for me to learn was […]

DJ Sag E. Tarius  As a retired vet, I am still an American Soldier and I serve the people of the United States. I will always place the mission first, and my mission is to entertain you with nothing but the best music I can provide. Be sure to tune in Mondays and Fridays at […]

Tribute To Women’s History Month I want to show my appreciation for allowing me to be a part of your day, by observing Women’s History Month, with my tribute to all women especially those who’ve served and still serving. Please continue to listen to Military Broadcast Radio, we’re giving Veterans a Voice. As a member […]

Monday’s Mixup As a Veteran, I understand what many of you go through on a daily basis, here are some tips to boost your mental health 1. Talk about your feelings 2. Keep active 3. Eat well 4. Drink sensibly 5. Keep in touch 6. Ask for help 7. Take a break 8. Do something […]

March 18, 2022

Reset W/DSET Ep 52 As a veteran myself, I understand what everyone goes through, having served your country on the outside, now what to do on the inside?  My answer is to take care of yourself, find something that you enjoy and cherish those moments you shared with your battle buddies and units you were […]

Monday Mixup Hey all, thanks for listening to my show, “Reset W/DSET” on the Military Broadcast Radio.  On Mondays, I like to play some variety that’s why I call it “Monday Mixup”. If there is anything you would like to hear or add hit me up, all my links can be found on, I […]

EP 50 Thanks for tuning in and allowing me to be your listening pleasure.  This is show #50 and thanks to you and Military Broadcast Radio for getting me there. As a retired Army Veteran, I am living one day at a time just like everyone else, some days good and some days bad, but […]

Monday Mixup It’s Monday and time to Mix-It-Up, where I try to add a little bit of sauce to the BBQ.  Thanks for allowing me to be your listening pleasure as I continue to make your day a little more pleasant with music. DJ Sag E. Tarius If you want to follow me here’s the […]

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