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Hey!!! Here’s a collection of hits from the past, a mixture of Rock, Country, Reggae, Pop, and Hispanic songs to quench your thirst and get you focused on the week. A variety for everyone to enjoy. Thanks to all those who served and still serving our Country!!! More Posts for Show:
It’s Friday, time to get ready for the weekend and it’s my job to get your fingers poppin and head boppin with some of the jams that will never get old. More Posts for Show:
It’s that time of the year, “Halloween”, time for the trick or treaters, those candy eaters knock on your doors. Let’s set it off with a Halloween playlist for our MBR listeners to enjoy. More Posts for Show:
Friday, October 1, 2021 “Back To The 8 Track”, just a mixup of oldies disco to make you go back in time. More Posts for Show:
Thanks for listening to Military Broadcast Radio, where we give Veterans A Voice. This is DJ Sag E. Tarius with my Monday Mixup, a variety of music for you to enjoy. More Posts for Show:
Hey, it’s the Monday Mixup with DJ Sag E. Tarius. Reaching out to veterans playing a variety of music from the 70s to the 90s. I am proud to be part of the Team and “Giving Veterans A Voice” with Military Broadcast Radio. More Posts for Show:
Today on The H-Train Show, we Skyped in Rob from a Top Secret Location. Nonprofit/ interview of the week-we talked to a great heavy metal band, Fly Above Fire. A great band , with a great sound. They have an amazing uplifting message. What the ? Somehow through a mixup and wrong numbers, we […]
Today on The H-Train Show: Weekend Bike Ride to Dirty Dogs Road House / Dad picking music (Great Job) Tribute to Troops: Christopher Slutman Dropping the Mic – Did you ever encounter weird house rules 2 min warning brought to you by Common Ground Golf Course As always, H-Train and Mic talk about what they […]
Today on The H-Train Show: We were hosted by Mile High Harley of Aurora and it was a great show where all our listeners came out told us what they wanted to discuss. So tonight was your show. We did talk about how our weekend was before we got hit with the snow that scared […]
Today H-Train starts out the show Broadcasting from The Railhead Station Studios. We open the show up by talking about some announcements. I just bought a Harley Davidson and i share some new things i just learned you may think its funny or dumb but i share my experiences. We talk to Michael Garvey on why […]