Today H-Train starts out the show broadcasting from The Rail head Station Studios. Today i jumped in and talked about the the recent Hurricane disasters our hearts and prayers are with you. We briefly overview on the remote that were doing in Jacksonville ,Florida. We also mentiopn how to listen to our show since the […]
Today H-Train starts out the show broadcasting from The Rail head Station Studios. Today my father David Hunt joins me in studio a very hot studio since the AC is still broke. but we discuss all the things that are going on this weekend since its a 4 day weekend for some and we announce […]
Today H-Train starts out the show broadcasting from The Rail head Station Studios. We open the show up by talking about some announcements and give credit to Laura Orrico PR LLC she had us featured in 3 Magazines this month about what were doing for Veterans and what we continue doing for Veterans. We talk […]
Today H-Train starts out the show broadcasting from The Rail head Station Studios. We open the show up by talking about some announcements. We talk to retired US National team Paralympic Athlete and Marine Jon Lujan the spokesperson for Team Semper Fi fund on what they are currently doing for our Veterans and sheds light […]

Today H-Train starts out the show Broadcasting from The Rail head Station Studios. We open the show up by talking about some announcements from our title sponsor. today we Interview Darren Mckee AKA DMac . We talk to him about what inspired him to start this journey and we find out what they do since theirs […]