Author: joel hunt

Page: 41

Today were Broadcasting from The USO Headquarters on Ft.Carson as a warm up for the concert that is starting in 4 hours with Jackyl Headlining at the Pikes Peak International Raceway just one of there many stops on this tour they are doing. Today all the music we will be playing is Jackyl’s top 5 […]

Today H-Train  starts out the show Broadcasting fromThe Pinery Club Golf Course in Parker, Colorado for Special presentation to Project Sanctuary on a fundraising event.  Kenneth Curner is my Guest Cohost and we briefly talk about the new Floy fight and we discuss the James and Joradn debate in the NBA. The pinery women The Gems […]

Today H-Train  starts out the show Broadcasting from Common Ground Golf Course in Aurora Colorado for Olympic Day 2017.  Timmy Duggan 2012 Olympian  Cyclist and Jeff Olson Olympian Ski Racer are our interviews of the week they talk about there Olympic Journey what it means to them and their struggles in life leading up to the […]

Today H-Train  starts out the show Broadcasting from The Patriots Tour Event fundraising for The Nation of Patriots.  John Knotts from The Nation of Patriots is not only the interview of the week hes mu guest cohost. We talk to John about what the Patriots Tour is. What the Nation of Patriots are about and the […]

Today H-Train  starts out the show Broadcasting from The Railhead Station Studios. We open the show up by talking about some announcementso what we did this weekend and what we did to honor the fallen today. today we Interview Bobby Henline about his inspiration journey with the hopes that it mentors young Veterans to maximize there potential […]

Today H-Train starts out the show Broadcasting from After Burners in Peru Indiana. We open the show up by talking about why were doing the H-Train Show tour. The show is fun cause i am joined by former HS friend and radio colleague Jay B. Today we Interview Jeff Locke from the Indianapolis Colts their […]

Today H-Train  starts out the show Broadcasting from The Hub in Kokomo Indiana. We open the show up by talking about why were doing the H-Train Show tour. The show is fun cause i am joined by former HS friend and radio colleague Jay B. Today we Interview Renee Elson “Blue Star Mothers” an Organization that sends […]

Today H-Train  starts out the show Broadcasting from The Hot Box Pizza in Kokomo Indiana. We open the show up by talking about why were doing the H-Train Show tour. The show is fun cause i am joined by former HS friend and radio colleague Jay B. Today we Interview Charles Gray from “Strength and Courage” […]

Today H-Train  starts out the show Broadcasting from The Rail head Station Studios. We open the show up by talking about some announcements from our title sponsor. today we Interview Darren Mckee AKA DMac . We talk to him about what inspired him to start this journey and we find out what they do since theirs […]

Today H-Train  starts out the show Broadcasting from The Railhead Station Studios. We open the show up by talking about some announcements from our title sponsor. today we Interview Soldier Hard about his Album Debut of The Pheonix releasing June 1 . We talk to him about what inspired him to start this journey. He continues to […]

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