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Reset W/DSET Part II Boogie Wonderland Memorial Day 2023 with DJ Sag E. Tarius

H and Jack were both remote because of physical issues. H and Jack talked about the three top stories that happened today. Then we spoke with American Warrior Radio and found out what they’re doing for veterans and the ups and downs of doing radio compared to just having it as an outlet. Then we […]

Everyone is in the studio, and today’s top three stories that we talked about were the Idaho stabbing at the university, Brian Kohberger being sentenced as we speak, Paul Whelan, the Marine Veteran that was detained in Russia due to espionage Waffle Makers recall. We will go into some depth about the Colorado company’s new […]

Reset W/DSET “Taking You Back” I’m a veteran doing what I like to do, and giving back with music. They call me TOP, those who know, they know.  LOL djsagetarius.com linktr.ee/DJSagETarius  

Reset W/DSET “I Got To Have It” Playing old-school jams that will take you back to those good times  

Today on The Morning Show and Jack and Penny were in the studio. We talked about the trending news of the day the TikTok ban in Montana, the story behind Red Friday, this 7.7 earthquake, the DUI Dog Switcharuu real, the California block Bill to allow people to sue oil companies for health issues, and […]

Fantastic Interview with Contagious Effect and the story behind their excellent podcast.  

Reset W/DSET “Read My Lips” Took it to another HNL (Hole Nutha Level) smooth cuts with a little jazz, just to make the day more mellow and ensure your “reset” is in autopilot. I’m DJ Sag E. Tarius and the show is Reset With DSET, where I take you back to those special moments when […]

Reset W/DSET “Pump Up The Jam” Taking you back is what I like to do My links: djsagetarius.com linktr.ee/DJSagETarius

Today’s morning show guest joined us. Jack plays along with Johnny Volcano, extreme, and Shine. We talked about whether the news is about sexual intercourse. We spoke trans oft. We talked about name changes for military bases and reparations for slavery. We talked about the chapter 42 ending and top baby names; we had Jack’s […]

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