Author: joel hunt

Page: 23

What the?- We talk about tan Army LTCOL who lived the life we all wanted Interview of the Week- Our new best friend is Randy Almquist, he is holding Whiskey tastings to raise money for Veterans Dear Ally- Our favorite VSO is tired, She’s been working hard to get veterans the benefits they have earned. […]

What the?- National Guard soldiers are deploying to the southern border and its funded by a private billionaire. This is more than just a slippery slope Interview of the week- We had a very interactive discussion With Kelly Wullf, the Director of Comeback Yoga Dear Ally- Our favorite VSO talk through getting your claim started […]

    What the ?- Our own Fort Carson has a soldier thats been named Ms Colorado and is going to theĀ  Ms America, We need more positive stories from the veteran world   Interview of the week- We had an excellent conversation with COL (ret) Rozelle about the Challenge Athlete foundation and opportunities for […]

What the?- We talked about how the Army”s tuition assistance program has failed miserably and service members are having to pay for their college out of pocket. This is unacceptable Interview of the week- We heard the sad tale and the tale of inspiration from Rustin Hughes with B Bold adaptive MMA Grinds my gears- […]

What the- Harry and Megan have started a go fund me since baby Lili has been born. What the heck is the world coming to when the royal family is begging for money. Interview of the week- We talk with Phil from Live American Yogi about his journey through the military and into yoga Grinds […]

What the?- All you have to be is a Major in the Army and be friends with a senator in order to get your defense finance problem fixed Interview of the Week- Our special Memorial Day Interview, straight from the Islands of Hawaii Iako ” Master Blaster” Kalili personal security for Five Finger Death Punch […]

What the ?- Are aliens real, yes they are and they wear black berets in Las Vegas Interview of the Week- We talk with Scotty with Warfighter Tabacco about living the dream of working in the tobacco industry I wanna Know- Congrats to Division CSM Knapp of the 101st on her selection to her post […]

Interview of the week- We had an excellent conversation with Mike P Ryan about his musical career after his Army time, Check out the warrior music foundation. They are doing great things. What the?- Aliens….. Aliens are among us. But they are not among Roddy, cause he doesn’t believe.

Interveiw of the week- We haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. We had Levi Smock , a producer with Vet TV, and they gave us a copy of Dictionary of Military slang to give away   What the? We talked about the bartender that doesn’t realize soldiers can be young. I wanna know- […]

Interview of the week- We talked to Josh Graham with DD 214 Fightwear about the release of their Soul Armor Jiu Jitsu Gi, the names on the inside of the Gi are the names of our nations fallen soldiers What the? – We broke the rules, and talked about politics and our troops pulling out […]

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