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Reset W/DSET Ep 85 The truth is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it. – Norman Schwarzkopf Choosing the “Hard Right” over “The Easy Wrong” can be difficult but intestinal fortitude and standing firm even though it may upset others, will always lead you in the right […]

Reset W/DSET Ep 84 Sometimes all you can do is smile. Move on with your day, hold back the tears, and pretend you’re okay. As a retired veteran, I totally understand, that coping is hard, but you are not alone.  Just remember this, you don’t adjust to society, society adjusts to you.  Thank you for […]

Reset W/DSET Ep 83 I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable 4th of July, and prayers to the families in Highland Park. Help is available Speak with someone today National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.  800-273-8255 More Posts for Show:

Reset W/DSET Ep 82 “Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.” Satchel Paige, New York Post (4 October 1959) Just like formation in the change of command ceremonies, “Head and Eyes […]

Reset W/DSET Ep 81 With the right music, you either forget everything or remember everything. Author Unknown Help is available Speak with someone today National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.  800-273-8255 More Posts for Show:

Reset W/DSET Ep 80 “No matter how good or bad you think life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life. Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive.”(Unknown) Be thankful and take each day head on to live your fullest. Help is available Speak with someone today National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Hours: Available […]

Reset W/DSET Ep 79 Also known as “Emancipation Day” or “Freedom Day,” Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865 when federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas and gave word to enslaved African Americans that they were free — more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. Help is available Speak with someone today National Suicide Prevention Lifeline […]

Reset W/DSET Ep 78 “Music does a lot of things for a lot of people. It’s transporting, for sure. It can take you right back, years back, to the very moment certain things happened in your life. It’s uplifting, it’s encouraging, it’s strengthening.”- Aretha Franklin Be safe, keep the faith, and don’t let em grind ya […]

Reset W/DSET Ep 77 “Music does bring people together. It allows us to experience the same emotions. People everywhere are the same in heart and spirit. No matter what language we speak, what color we are, the form of our politics or the expression of our love and our faith, music proves: We are the […]

Reset W/DSET Ep76 “Music evokes so many feelings in us, memories, nostalgia, things that are connected to our past”. Olga Kurylenko I want to do that with my show “Reset With DSET”, which connects you to your past with music. I need that connection sometimes myself. Help is available Speak with someone today National Suicide […]

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