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Reset W/DSET Pennys Playlist “Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid.”-Frank Zappahttp://dlvr.it/SkrKth
Reset W/DSET “I Gotta Stay Fly” One thing about life, you gotta treat others like you want to be treated, with dignity and respect. You never know who got your six. I’m DJ Sag E. Tarius and Life Is Goodhttp://dlvr.it/SkjKtV
Reset W/DSET “You Make Me Work” and there is nothing I would rather do than prepare and play music for you. I served my country and retired from the United States Army, now I have the chance to give back with some good tunes that give you a chance to “RESET” step back and take […]
Reset W/DSET Rock Dis Funky Joint “Music is like a time machine, certain songs will bring back certain memories during certain times”-DJ Sag E. Tariushttp://dlvr.it/SkKbMd
Reset W/DSET Rock Dis Funky Joint “Music is like a time machine, certain songs will bring back certain memories during certain times”-DJ Sag E. Tarius
Today We talked about 3 top stories Interviewed Abilitity Tech And we’re getting a studio. The volcano is buying it. Just kidding. Listen to the Truth HERE http://dlvr.it/SkK93zhttp://dlvr.it/SkKDkV
Today We talked about 3 top stories Interviewed Abilitity Tech And we’re getting a studio. The volcano is buying it. Just kidding. Listen to the Truth HERE http://dlvr.it/SkK93z