Turnbuckles & Stoggies
Welcome to a special Saturday morning Slam edition of turnbuckles and stogies. We enter the ring with the NY Ash Holes cigar club members Coop and Pugz, We discuss all things cigars and ash holes and how they got their positions within the club. As always we will be discussing Crown Jewel which will be […]
The Big Dog and the Vanilla Gorilla are tag teaming the podcast tonight as the Og couldn’t make it. We dive into all things wrestling and football. We discuss what we are smoking as well as giving love to underrated cigar brands as well as our brother Sanj. We also interact with some listeners and […]
We review the SP1014 red with love and passion in today’s episode. We discuss all things wrestling recent rumors and breaking news as it unfolds during the podcast. In the second half of the podcast, we sit down with Sanj and discuss his time in the industry, the red and black sp1014, and all […]